Under the Federal Copyright Laws and Federal Code of the United States of America, GET-A-SITE retains exclusive rights to all its published documents, computer programming code, custom-designed images, and unique design layouts (including all client sites that are either "classified websites" or business account websites, sites that are "paid advertising" and not "paid for hire" contracts) published at and on its website located at GET-A-SITE's registered InterNIC domain of WWW.GETASITE.COM. Any individual persons, companies, organizations or entities found to be in violation of GET-A-SITE copyright entitlements will be persued through legal channels.
All data that GET-A-SITE Internet Architects collects remains in the private records of our company. We do not use any "filters" or "e-mail address collectors" on any part of our company website. Any information transferred to GET-A-SITE officials by individuals or companies (either by e-mail, fax or postal) is used solely for the purposes of conducting business transactions between GET-A-SITE and that individual or that company. GET-A-SITE does keep a database of contacts, but those contacts are NEVER sold to any other party. They remain in the privacy of our company.
Copyright and Privacy Statements.